Hi, I’m Heather
I’m a real estate agent + social media coach who has a passion for helping you achieve your goals.
My journey has been nothing at all like I expected…
In 2017 I was a social worker with two toddlers at home who craved more flexibility and a career that better aligned with my passions.
Enter real estate.
I jumped in with both feet and haven’t looked back.
Right away I took my business to social media seeing it’s untapped potential as no one in my area was using it. I got a few side eyes and lots of comments about how that wasn’t the “right way” to build a business.
The more I dug deeper into my new found love of marketing though, the more my business grew.
As my sales increased, so did my ambitions…
You see, I consumed every bit of content I could about how to be a great agent and all the gurus + coaches said the next step was hiring others who could help fuel growth.
So here I was with 2 admin, a buyer’s agent and considerable business expenses each month. Instead of benefiting from “leverage”, I was burned out, working more hours than I’d like (remember I got into real estate for more flexibility to be with my kiddos) and not as profitable as I could be because salaries had to be paid.
I had unknowingly become a full-fledged hustle culture member and I wanted OUT!
Real estate wasn’t fun anymore and I just couldn’t keep going at the same pace.
In 2022 as I was expecting baby #3 I decided something had to change and I “burned the ships” so to speak.
I returned to running my business in a way that was more aligned with the lifestyle I wanted for me and my family that allowed me to build my business alongside motherhood.
I quit any lead sources that didn’t feel authentic to me and went back to being “all in” on social media. I also began creating courses and other resources to help coach other agents level up their marketing efforts which is something that lights me up.
Instead of working towards building a local team, I’m now building a national team of agent partners who value collaboration over competition through Powerhouse at eXp Realty.
This group of amazing agents is next level and collaboration like this is a total game changer.
The amazing thing about real estate is that whether you’re a homeowner or an agent, real estate can change your family’s financial future.
If you’re local to West Michigan and considering buying, selling or building or you’re an agent from anywhere across the country, there’s a way for us to work together.
I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals.